
Find Upcoming Events

Worship nights, bible studies, serving the community, or just hanging out. There's something going on just about every day of the week. Check out some of our upcoming events to find a place for you!

Groups & Gatherings

Don't do life alone!  Support groups, prayer meetings, men & women gatherings. There are plenty of opportunities to meet others in our Journey Church family.

Know Jesus

Have you made a decision to follow Jesus? Sign up to be water baptized.

Join a Serve Team

Joining a the Serve Team at Journey is one of the greatest ways to meet others and start building relationships.

Join the Dream Team

At Journey Church, the Dream Team is membership. Find out what it takes to be a member of Journey Church. Then, at the bottom, take the next step by completing the application.

Seven Dreams Discipleship Program

Discover God's purpose for your life. Discipleship is the relational process in which we learn, live, grow and mature in our faith.

Journey Kids

Journey Kids is for children Newborn through 5th Grade. Every Sunday is designed specifically to teach your kids on their level, Biblically and spiritually. Your kids will feel loved and poured into each week!

Journey Youth

This isn't a youth group. Journey Youth are the youth of the church. Monthly 'Ignite' nights and weekly Tribe Nights provide our students with and environment to experience and grow in their faith in a unique way.

Pastoral Counseling

Children, adults, couples, and young adults. Pastoral counseling is appropriate for those seeking to work on issues that are impacting them either on a daily or seasonal basis.